• Career Planning & Insights

    Assistance in separating the trees from the forest. Unfulfilling work situations can be disorienting and overwhelming. Not understanding the source of dissatisfaction often results in repeated poor employer choices. Make the right choice first.

  • Personal Brand Development

    Turbulent job markets make it difficult to fully control employment. Savvy professionals guard against long-term gaps and decreased income potential by remaining relevant. Learn to identify your impact in the marketplace and to be seen as a unique and superior solution to employers and clients.

  • LinkedIn Profile and Content Creation

    Employee referrals and networking have long outperformed job boards for finding jobs. LinkedIn provides the tools to execute these tactics at an astounding level while also offering direct exposure to recruiters and access to an array of posted jobs. Anyone who thinks an introduction to an internal company contact beats electronic resume submittal will benefit from learning to do this right.

  • Resume Creation and Revision

    Good résumés take job seekers forward, not hold them back. Applicants must not only demonstrate experience, but also skills, qualities and accomplishments that align with where they are going and not where they have been. Don’t let your résumé hold you back.

  • Interview Preparation

    Interviews are more about chemistry than qualifications. Interviewers need to envision a candidate ‘fitting in” to the work environment. Learn effective interview skills to advance in the process, make better choices, and increase leverage to drive a higher salary.

  • Compensation Negotiation

    There is more to compensation than salary. Most employees derive 30% or more from fringe benefits. Few consider negotiating items that ensure long-term employability and quality of life. Don’t leave money and other valuable "perks" on the table.